[原创]通过Raspberry Pi(树莓派)的GPIO接口控制步进电机/Control stepper motor through the GPIO on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi是什么?

The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of stimulating the teaching of basic computer science in schools.

简单地说,它就是一个基于ARM CPU的、信用卡那么大的迷你计算机。
In short, Pi is an ARM-based mini computer which has a credit card size.

Before reading this article, please make sure that you've read some other articles of mine on Pi, because this article is more or less based on them.

【1】实验目的 / Experiment purpose
Write a C program to control the direction & speed of rotation of a stepper motor through the GPIO on Raspberry Pi.


[原创]通过Raspberry Pi(树莓派)的GPIO接口控制发光二极管/Control LED through the GPIO on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi是什么?

The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of stimulating the teaching of basic computer science in schools.

简单地说,它就是一个基于ARM CPU的、信用卡那么大的迷你计算机。
In short, Pi is an ARM-based mini computer which has a credit card size.

Before reading this article, please make sure that you've read some other articles of mine on Pi, because this article is more or less based on them.

通过Raspberry Pi的GPIO口来控制发光二极管已经不是什么新鲜事了,网上有大量的教程和资源可查。为了测试一下控制GPIO输出的功能,我也实践了一次。
It's nothing new to control LEDs through Pi's GPIO, a lot of tutorials & resources are available on the Internet now. But I tried to do it myself too for the sake of testing the GPI output functionality.
First I want to remind the readers that I'm not a hardware guy so this article may contains some mistakes, and if you find that, please leave comments to tell me, thanks in advance.

【1】实验目的 / Experiment purpose
写一个简单的程序,控制Raspberry Pi的GPIO口输出高、低电平,从而让接在GPIO口上的发光二极管闪烁。
Write a simple program to control the GPIO on Pi to output high or low level to make the LED which connected to GPIO blink.


[原创]Raspberry Pi/树莓派 文章合集

注:带有 ♬♬♬♬♬ 标志的是文章合集。

Raspberry Pi是什么?

The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of stimulating the teaching of basic computer science in schools.

简单地说,它就是一个基于ARM CPU的、信用卡那么大的迷你计算机。

➤ 树莓派视频教程

➤ Raspberry Pi(树莓派)配置记录/Configure the Arch Linux ARM on Raspberry Pi

➤ 在Raspberry Pi(树莓派)上用OpenCV来操纵摄像头拍照/Use OpenCV on Raspberry Pi to Controll a Webcam to Take Photos

➤ 通过Raspberry Pi(树莓派)的GPIO接口控制发光二极管/Control LED through the GPIO on Raspberry Pi

➤ 通过Raspberry Pi(树莓派)的GPIO接口控制步进电机/Control stepper motor through the GPIO on Raspberry Pi


[原创]Raspberry Pi(树莓派)配置记录/Configure the Arch Linux ARM on Raspberry Pi

For non-Chinese readers:
I'm a software engineer in Shanghai, China, and since I bought a Raspberry Pi, I spent some spare time on it and I'm glad to share something with Pi users all over the world, so this article has two languages: Chinese & English, and I try to translate the Chinese to English as accurately as possible, but, there might be some translation mistakes, so if you don't know what I mean in the article, just leave a comment, and I'll reply when I get an answer. Also welcome to contact me via Email.

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of stimulating the teaching of basic computer science in schools.

简单地说,它就是一个基于ARM CPU的、信用卡那么大的迷你计算机。
In short, Pi is an ARM-based mini computer which has a credit card size.
